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During an Emergency

 During an emergency, prioritizing safety is essential. Critical considerations include finding shelter, following evacuation alerts and orders, and staying informed about the situation. It is important to stay calm, make a plan, and take necessary actions to protect yourself and your loved ones. By being prepared and taking quick action, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and those around you during an emergency.

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Shelter is one of the primary needs during an emergency, and it is essential to find a safe location to seek refuge. According to the Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), the best location for sheltering during an emergency is indoors, away from windows, and in a room with no exterior walls [1]. It is also important to have an emergency kit on hand, including essential supplies such as food, water, and first aid kits.

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Evacuation alerts & orders:

In some cases, evacuation alerts and orders may be necessary to protect individuals from imminent danger. CEMA advises individuals to follow evacuation orders issued by emergency officials and to be prepared to leave at a moment's notice [1]. Additionally, it is important to have an evacuation plan in place and to know multiple routes to safety in case of road closures.

Stay Informed

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Staying informed is crucial during an emergency, as it can help individuals make informed decisions about their safety. The Canadian Red Cross recommends keeping a battery-operated or hand-cranked radio on hand to receive emergency alerts and updates from local authorities [2]. Additionally, it is important to sign up for local emergency alerts and to follow trusted sources of information.


Individuals can also consult the resources provided by the Government of Alberta to create an emergency plan [3]. This includes considering potential emergencies, creating a communication plan, assembling an emergency kit, and staying informed. Indigenous residents of Calgary can refer to the emergency preparedness resources provided by the Canadian Red Cross, which includes specific information for Indigenous communities [2].


In summary, during an emergency, individuals should prioritize safety by finding shelter, following evacuation orders, and staying informed. It is also essential to create an emergency plan, assemble an emergency kit, and sign up for local emergency alerts to stay prepared for potential emergencies.

It is important to note that Calgary's indigenous residents are most likely to face the above-mentioned 16 types of disasters in their region, particularly those related to cold climate and heavy snowfall. As such, they should take extra care to prepare for these specific hazards when creating their emergency plan.

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