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Mental Health

The mental health section provides crucial support and resources for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. It is essential to prioritize mental health and seek help early on, before a crisis or emergency arises. This section offers information on a range of mental health topics, including stress management, coping strategies, and self-care practices. Resources include tools for managing mental health symptoms, tips for seeking professional help, and information on accessing mental health services. By prioritizing mental health and seeking support before a crisis, individuals can improve their overall well-being and prevent further escalation of mental health challenges.

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Before an Emergency,

there are several important steps that Calgary's indigenous residents should take to ensure they are well-prepared for any potential disasters that may occur in their area.


Some key considerations include:

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Support Services Directory

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, addiction, or a mental health problem, know that help is available. Visiting a local Addiction & Mental Health Clinic or calling Health Link are two options for getting support. These resources offer access to mental health professionals who can provide assessments, treatment options, and referrals to additional resources. Don't hesitate to seek help - taking that first step can make all the difference in starting on the path towards recovery and improved mental health.

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Support Services Phone Line

The Support Services Phone Lines in Calgary provide a lifeline for those experiencing mental health challenges. Available 24/7, these services offer confidential support, crisis intervention, counseling, and referrals to other mental health resources. Trained professionals are available to provide compassionate assistance for a range of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, addiction, and more. Whether seeking immediate help in a crisis or ongoing support, the Support Services Phone Lines offer a vital resource for individuals in need of mental health assistance.

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Tips to Protect Mental Health

Protecting mental health is essential for overall well-being, particularly during challenging times. Tips to protect mental health include practicing self-care, staying connected with loved ones, and seeking professional help when needed. This section offers practical advice for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns, including tips for establishing healthy habits, setting boundaries, and coping with change. By prioritizing mental health and implementing these tips, individuals can improve their resilience, maintain their well-being, and thrive in their daily lives.

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